GVAR Toolbox, versions 2.0 (2014), 1.1 (2011), 1.0 (2010), with Vanessa Smith. The GVAR Toolbox is a collection of MatLab procedures with an Excel-based interface, designed for the purpose of GVAR modelling. It is primarily tailored to policy analysis and forecasting, though can be easily customised for other purposes. It is an accessible and easy-to-use package, with no background knowledge of MatLab or Excel required. In order to use it, both Microsoft Excel and MatLab have to be installed on the user's computer. No specific MatLab toolboxes are required for running the program. You can freely download the GVAR Toolbox v. 2.0 (last update August 2017) by following this link.
IVAR Toolbox, (2015), with Alexander Al-Haschimi and Martina Jancokova. European Central Bank